Monday, January 12, 2009

What is Virtual-DBA?

What is Virtual-DBA?
Virtual-DBA is a Remote Database Administration Service that was originally developed by XTIVIA, Inc. in 2002. The original support service was developed around the Informix DB Platform. After a couple of years and request from our customers it was expanded to provide support to all of the major database platforms. Virtual-DBA now supports Oracle, DB2 UDB, Informix, SQL Server and Sybase.

The service is designed to address the database system administration and database management needs of its subscribers. Through our Remote DBA service we collect operational statistics on a daily basis to ensure system availability, optimum performance and trouble-free operation, while also providing the availability of expert database administrators.

How does Virtual-DBA work?
Statistics about your systems are collected at regular intervals throughout the day and sent to Virtual-DBA service centers, where they are automatically filtered and centrally stored. A heartbeat process monitors the availability of your system and the communications channel to the Virtual-DBA service centers. A primary and backup Virtual-DBA database specialist is assigned to manage and monitor your systems and account.

  • When the statistics arrive, if monitored indicators are out of tolerance, an alert is generated automatically and Virtual-DBA database specialists are notified. The Virtual-DBA specialist immediately notifies you of any critical issues and will work with you to a resolution. If non-critical issues are discovered, they will be documented and discussed with you during your regular status briefing, and then tracked to resolution.
  • Your Virtual-DBA database specialist reviews past and present operational and performance data for operational trend analysis identification. These trends are important to system planning and in troubleshooting performance issues. Any trends will be documented and discussed with you during your regular status briefings and available reports.
  • The statistical information collected about your system and a complete case tracking history of our database specialist’s actions are available in the My Database area of the web site for Virtual-DBA subscribers.
  • You will have a dedicated Virtual-DBA available for database administration services and advice regarding any aspect of database design, troubleshooting, administration, or management. Therefore, when you have a problem or want some coaching, you can speak to someone who is already familiar with the key aspects of your system, installation, application, and requirements. These services are available by telephone or on-site consultation. The key feature is that expert help is available when it is needed, whether the need is for 30 minutes or several weeks.

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